Data Harbor 360
Free Your Data!
Your Data At Your Fingertips
Many companies lack ownership of their monitoring data, limiting their ability to integrate it into other tools, conduct analysis, or harness the power of AI/ML.
Many monitoring tools on providers’ networks use subsets of the same data. This results in redundant data polling and storage, monopolizing significant processing power from CMTS’s.
DATA HARBOR 360 sits between your CMTS and your existing tools so you can quickly and efficiently collect data, once. The data is then stored on a server/cloud so it’s available via legacy methods like SNMP and available in new ways so it’s easier for tools like AI/ML to use the data.
- Works with any hardware vendor
- Uses a “collect-once process-many” architecture
- Allows for both near real-time and over-time data retrieval
- Consistent dataset regardless of access medium
- Data in API is pre-aggregated and processed so rates are returned instead of counters, enum names returned instead of integers

DATA HARBOR 360 Data Collection Process

Ready to unlock the full potential of DATA HARBOR 360?
Contact RocNet today to discuss how our data collection framework can empower you to aggregate retrievable network data with high precision.